Professional Indemnity

Every professional is at risk when providing a service or advice to clientele. An error or omission that causes your client to suffer a loss can cause claims against you and costly litigation action. Immediate costs aside, these kinds of incidents can damage you or your company’s reputation, which has a long term effect on your business.

With our real-life experience in the insurance and business worlds, we can tailor an insurance solution that is cost-effective and brings you peace of mind. With the right cover you can concentrate on providing services to your clients and rest assured that your reputation and assets are fully protected.

Sounds like something you need?

With a wide suite of business and professional insurance features that can be packaged or tailored to best suit your needs, the Burnett Insurance team is ready to help you find the right solution.


If you would like us to talk you through our flexible, innovative insurance options contact us today or request a quote online